If your thinking about doing any type of renovations to your home and are uncertain who to choose or where to look then following are some great tips for choosing the right carpenter for your home renovations. It’s often not easy but these tips should point you in the right direction. Carpenters especially in Sydney are a real gem to find. Locate the right one and you will be adding real value and appeal to anything they do around your property.
If you get a good carpenter your going to be really lucky as there are some not so good ones out there that you need to be aware of. If you need a carpenter, here is our guide to help you get the very best one that you can. If your in Sydney and are looking for a quality carpenter may we suggest you call Jorge who is the owner of this website.
What Type of Carpenter You Actually Want?
While all carpenters have the same common thread; they all work with wood, there are certain carpenters for certain jobs and they all vary. Do you need framing done, do you need a door added, do you want work done on your cupboards or wardrobes? This list goes on and on but when you speak to the carpenter make sure you ask them what their specialty is.
Make sure you check their credentials
If your renovation or adding a deck to the back yard and your in the process of selecting a carpenter, especially in Sydney, make sure that they have the proper acreditations, they are fully licensed and insured with Australian insurance companies. Do not be afraid or intimidated to ask for proof of any of these – a good carpenter will happily show you documentation showing that they are up to date on everything. If they don’t have these or are reluctant to show you, simply walk away. You do not want to be ripped of or employ a dodgy carpenter.
Also, don’t be afraid to ask for references or to see examples of their previous work. See if the references are lefig by phoning them and ask if they were happy with how the work was completed. A happy client will be more than eager to share their positive experience with you. Shoddy work is a sign of a poor carpenter and you really want the best people working for you. so do your homework.
Get a written quote before they start the work
It doesn’t matter what type of job your getting done, make sure you get written quotes that are firm. Perhaps even get a couple from a few different suppliers that can give you an idea if your getting a good deal or not. All quotes should be comparing apples with apples so they are quoting on the same thing.
What ever you do don’t always look for the cheapest option as this may lead to issues later on in terms of workmanship. Remember these people are keen for your business and may under quote to get the job. be aware of quotes that are far far too low!
Check their schedule to make sure they can complete on time
Most people want the job done now. They do not want to have to wait or even worse like happens with so many tradies is they start the job and leave half way to do anther job only to return weeks later to finish it. Carpentry can be messy so you don’t want to be living in a pig sty while your carpenter is off finishing other jobs. Get it done right away with no delays or hiccups.
Don’t let them start the job and tell you they have another job to go to, putting yours on hold. So many people do this as they try to juggle jobs Also make sure that your carpenter on time and on budget.
Like Jorge here at A2Z Carpentry Sydney. We are known for our very fast and speedy service. And yes we are also happy to provide you with testimonials and our credentials.